Universal Fire

Rescue Services

Universal Fire Rescue operations cover:

  • Emergency calls

  • Issuing warnings to the public

  • Preventing potential accidents or hazards

  • Protecting people, property and the environment against danger, and rescuing accident victims

  • Extinguishing fires and limiting damage

  • Rescue departments provide urgent help in the event of an accident or in the event of a potential hazard.

Accidents, hazards and other situations include

  • Fires (in buildings, vehicles, forests and elsewhere)
  • traffic accidents
  • Accidents involving hazardous substances (chemical accidents and oil spills)
  • Natural disasters, and collapsed buildings, roads and other structures
  • explosions
  • Inspection and verification assignments (for automatic fire alarm systems and smoke alarms)
  • First response tasks
  • Rescuing people and animals
  • Loss prevention and executive assistance

100,000 rescue missions annually

Annually, the rescue services execute approximately 100,000 rescue missions. Fire brigades start practical rescue operations within minutes. In 90% of accidents where urgent assistance is needed, help can be sent to the scene of an accident within 20 minutes of the emergency call no matter where in the country it happens.

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